Saturday, February 11, 2012

Here we go again.

Okay. One more time, why not. I have kept blogs in the past, but it's been awhile since I have felt the pull. Lately I have been thinking about it more and more, as I come to find myself looking at other people's blogs and feeling a few feelings: I should do this. I want more space. My cats are cuter than your babies.

And so on and so forth.

I do not have a husband or baby or a new house. I am not a newlywed or a divorcee or the owner of a vintage car or shop. I am just a lady in her early 30's, who works at a bookstore, lives with her boyfriend (of two years, no high school sweethearts here) and our two cats. MY two cats, originally, but I am comfortable enough to call them ours now. I have had my cats since I was eighteen years old, the beginning of my adult life. I moved in my first apartment, all alone, as a sophomore in college, and I needed it to feel like my home, so I did the only thing that made sense to me. GET CATS .

Kiki and Roo are my best friends, the nearest and dearest to my heart. They are my furry babies, my old ladies, my sissy cats. They have shaped my life, defined my choices, and brought me so much joy. I can't imagine my life without them, but this is something that I am going to have to accept, unfortunately, and probably sooner than later. I guess that is part of the reason why I feel compelled to blog again. I am going through some sad cattimes, I am seeing so much beauty in pain and pain in beauty, my heart is swelling and breaking constantly, and I suppose I need some sort of outlet in which to talk about this.

ANYWAYS.... a few other things to know about me:
- collector of: pyrex, crewel, polaroid cameras, starburst flatware, moccasins, silk scarves, books, pillowcases, couroc
- constantly starting new journals and notebooks and abandoning them
- art school graduate
- listens to excessive amounts of hip hop (surprise.) also: weird al
- dying for the country life but stuck in a gritty lil city just outside Boston
- would prefer to just sell vintage as a job, but missed the boat somehow and am currently involved with a wonderful independent bookstore that I love and have loved for years, but could use a change
- suck at updating my etsy shop
- rarely travel, seldom take vacations
- overly caffeinated, bourbon lover


Also, that boyfriend I mentioned? Yeah. He goes by the name of Cat Dad. He writes songs inspired by, yes, you got it, CATS. You can hear them here and see his tumblr here.


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