Wednesday, March 28, 2012

one of those days

Everything feels wrong. The weather, the porch, our neighborhood, my job, my hair, I could go on and on. Mostly it's hormonal. But not all of it. There is an air of truth to some of my shitty feelings, and I have been trying hard to ignore them, but today it all snuck up on me, set off by a folding beach chair and a certified letter. A bit relief was found at the library. It's across the street from the post office, and I had never ventured in until today. It made sense, as I walked all the way to post office (not a quick walk, but I was carless today, so...) for basically NOTHING, and it started sprinkling, so I figured WHY NOT. A quiet library when you are crazy and ranting to yourself for twenty minutes seems like a good place to calm down. I got a library card, roamed the stacks, and eventually found an armchair in a corner by a window, and went into the words. It was the bright spot of this otherwise dreary and irritating day. I took three books out. One for me, one for us, and one for him. It's a really a nice library, and I plan on spending more time there.

There is not much else to say without this turning into a WOE IS ME post, so I guess that means it's time for bourbon.

Oh, Roo just woke up from her nap, locked eyes with me, gave out a tiny meow and then started purring. And now she is back to sleep. I need to remember moments like these.

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