Saturday, October 26, 2013

It's weird.

Watching a human grow and change, it's so weird. Hazel's first tooth is starting to poke through. I can feel it. It's sharp. I keep wanting to touch it, and since she likes to chew on my finger, this works out for the both of us. So far, she is handling it pretty well. A little fussy, very drool-y, and not taking naps very well (she doesn't do that anyways) but overall, she is managing. We, the parents, are a different story. OUR BABY HAS A TOOTH. HER GUMMY TOOTHLESS GRIN WILL BE GONE. HOW IS TIME MOVING SO FAST? It makes my head spin. Soon she will be one, then five, then ten, then in high school. Blah blah blah, oh to be a parent.

There's always a lot to do, not enough time, not enough coffee, not enough sleep, but man. Seeing our little girl's big emoji smile and hearing her squeal makes everything 100% worth it (which you will ALWAYS get if you just chant HAZEL HAZEL HAZEL).

Friday, October 18, 2013

real quick.

Even though I rarely update this nowadays, I decided to change the name of this blog to reflect my current situation. I feel sad now that I did it, taking the picture down and replacing it with one of Kiki and Hazel... but we have that picture of Kiki and Roo hanging over our dresser and I look at it many times a day, so I guess it doesn't need to be here, too.

So if you see this, now you know.

I've been busy.

Babies are time consuming. I can certainly see the appeal of going back to work and dropping the tot off at daycare. That's not in the cards for us right now, for a variety of reasons, so I am attempting to be a SAHM. So weird. I don't know that I am cut out for it, really, but I am trying hard.

Hazel is almost five months old. She is starting to sit for longer periods of time. She babbles A LOT. She sleeps through the night in her crib. She does not enjoy tummy time, she does not take naps, and she does not like bottles. She's into Led Zeppelin, Devo, The Cars, and Weird Al, but Tame Impala's newest album seems to be her favorite. And On Top of Spaghetti, sung by me.

Kiki now sleeps under the crib, or in the corner of Hazel's room where we had been working on tummy time (we've since migrated to the living room after a re-arrangement of furniture left us with more space) and is generally grumpy. She is warming up nicely to Hazel, though. She sits near her, will let Hazel grab handfuls of fur and not run away, and will rub up against her play gym. However, she meows more than ever. And louder than ever. It's brutal, honestly. I am a person that really appreciates silence, and it's something I don't have anymore. If Hazel is crying, Kiki is meowing. If Hazel is sleeping and I am enjoying a moment of peace, Kiki is meowing. If I get up to pee at 3 am, there she is, meowing. She is clearly asking for more attention, and I swear I am giving her as much as I can, but nothing is enough. Poor kitty.

Anyways. I've got nothing else to say. My days are a blur, and I now understand about days moving slow but time moving fast.